We are seeking an external examiner for our Practice Education CPD units at Bournemouth University.
We are looking to appoint to this role by July 2021 if possible. The period of appointment will be for a maximum of four years.
Please find more information about our CPD Framework and the National Centre for Post Qualifying Social Work here: https://ncpqsw.com/
As an External Examiner you will:
- Be a qualified social worker, registered with Social Work England.
- Have expertise in the design, delivery, and assessment of social work education, as evidenced by their current (or previous) post within a higher education establishment.
- Previous experience of external examining is preferred, but if appropriate a suitable mentor will be appointed to support an eligible candidate.
- Attend at least one assessment board each year
- Be available to review assessment material electronically at points throughout the year
- Review new modules in preparation for validation events.
- Submit an annual report to the University Quality and Standard Boards.
Further information on the role of an external examiner at BU can be found in the following link:
For more details and an informal conversation please contact our CPD Framework Lead Tilia Lenz, Lenzt@bournemouth.ac.uk