The School of Nursing is seeking a qualified nurse educators to undertake the role of subject external examiner for the BSc (Hons) / MSc Mental Health Nursing programmes.
An experienced external examiner would be preferred, but those seeking a first post and having relevant clinical and educational experience would also be considered. Applicants must hold current NMC registration in the appropriate field for which they are applying and hold a recognised teaching qualification.
The School of Nursing operates on-line submission, marking and feedback of assignments. Experience of Turnitin, Canvas and SpeedGrader would be desirable however training will be provided.
Subject external examiners are expected to audit a sample of student work and will be invited to comment on draft assessments (coursework briefs and examination papers) that comprise the major elements of assessment associated with a module. Subject external examiners are required to submit formal feedback on their audit of sample student work, by completing a module summary report form prior to the Programme Assessment Board and confirming their agreement to the marks for all modules within their remit. Subject external examiners are not required to attend assessment boards. There will be regular communication with module leaders and completion of an annual monitoring report. You may also be asked to meet with practice partners and students. The External Examiner is required to submit an annual report, following which payment is made. Further information regarding the role of the External Examiner at Kingston University can be found at
The appointment will be with effect from 1st September 2022 and will be for a full 4-year term.
Full course details and documentation will be provided to the appointee and an induction day will be offered – to be held online following appointment.
We are unable to accept applications from the following Universities: UCLAN, Brighton, DMU and UWE