This is an outstanding development opportunity for a talented individual who wishes to advance excellent and innovative research and education on the integration of interprofessional learning and work in healthcare, especially with a focus on immersive environments and team-based practice.
While there is a growing body of evidence on the benefits of teamwork, there is still a lack of understanding of how to train, create, and sustain effective healthcare teams. Healthcare teamwork research can help to fill this gap by identifying the factors that contribute to effective teamwork and developing interventions to improve teamwork skills. The postholder will be expected to use teaching opportunities as a fertile ground for research by, for example, developing a programme of research based on interventions designed to enhance interprofessional teamworking. Simulation and VR settings could act as a test bed for piloting and trialling interventions in vivo. Equally, innovations in the field could be reverse engineered into the simulation lab for prototype testing and scaling up.
For education, this post will improve and sustain both our undergraduate and postgraduate provision in relation to teamwork and interprofessional education. A key part of the postholder role will be the Academic Lead for Team Based Practice and Learning whose principal responsibility is for the continued development and delivery of the Faculty’s Team Based Practice & Learning Portfolio or Interprofessional Education (IPE) in collaboration with the Centre for Team Based Practice & Learning in Health Care. IPE is a key requirement of the NMC Standards for Pre-Registration Nurse Education 2018 and thus is integral to the pre-registration programmes within the Faculty and is viewed as a strength of KCL health programmes. The post holder would work closely with the Faculty Academic Lead for Simulation and Virtual Reality, the leads for IPE activities within the Faculty and the IPE leads within other health faculties. The post holder will also be able to contribute to the Teamwork and Leadership postgraduate and workforce development modules.