External Examiner Required – MSc Physician Associate Studies
Edge Hill University Medical School, part of the Faculty of Health, Social Care & Medicine is seeking to engage an External Examiner for the following Programme with effect from October 2023:
- PROGRAMME(S): MSc Physician Associate Studies
- CLOSING DATE: 27/07/2023
Physician Associates (PA) are a new healthcare professional who, while not a doctor, work to the medical model and are due to be regulated by the GMC. We require an external examiner who currently works on, or has experience of PA education or similar courses within Higher Education.
External Examiners are typically placed on the Edge Hill University External Examiners Register for a period of four years. Principle duties normally include;
- To scrutinize student work, assignment questions / exam papers / OSCE stations, to ensure that student achievement and academic standards are comparable across UK Higher education
- Review both practice and theory elements of the programme through moderation of assessed student work and proposed assessments
- Attend clinical examination (OSCEs) at least once per year
- Attend relevant assessment boards
- Review and approve any assessments that contribute to a student’s final award,
- Provide feedback and recommendation on whether the assessment process was rigorous and fair in meeting intended learning outcomes and in line with relevant policies and guidelines.
- Produce an Annual Report
Suitable applicants will be be a suitably qualified and registered healthcare professional with experience in higher education of postgraduate awards, preferably, but not exclusively in Physician Associate studies. If you ae a qualified Physician Associate, you must have at least 2 years post qualifying experience and be listed on the managed voluntary register.
If you would like to discuss specific information relating to the programme, please contact:
Dr Sarah Lyon
Tel: 01695 657059 Email: lyonsar@edgehill.ac.uk
Fees and Expenses are payable in line with the University policy. Admission to the University’s External Examiners Register is on the basis of satisfactory completion of the University’s Committee and Personnel approval processes, including Right to Work and Reciprocity Checks. Prospective External Examiners are encouraged to send an expression of interest and CV to Martyn Davidson (Martyn Davidson martyn.davidson@edgehill.ac.uk – Medical School Assessment Officer) citing the programme title and/or vacancy reference.
Your data will be held and not processed for any purpose other than that for which it has been obtained, in accordance with current Data Protection Legislation until this recruitment process has concluded. Should you be unsuccessful in your application your data will be destroyed securely. For more information, our Privacy Notice is available at https://www.edgehill.ac.uk/externalexaminers/
Martyn Davidson
Medical School Assessment officer