The School of Allied Health Professions and Midwifery at the University of Bradford is looking for a dedicated individual to undertake the role of external examiner for our MSc Occupational Science programme to commence immediately. The programme launched in September 2021 and is understood to be amongst the first of its kind in the United Kingdom. The programme consists of two core Occupational Science modules and a range of optional modules from across the University. External Examiner duties for the programme will be shared across multiple examiners with specialism in specific modules.
This appointment is to cover the overarching programme, including the two core modules. It is anticipated that the Occupational Science specialist modules will develop as the programme becomes more established.
We have an exciting innovative curriculum and employ a wide range of teaching, learning and assessment strategies to reflect the diversity of the student population and recognise the needs of both home and international learners.
An overview of your role and responsibilities includes:
- Confirming the comparability of standards of student performance at University of Bradford with those of similar modules at other UK Institutions of Higher Education;
- confirming that the assessment process in its entirety is sound, and has been fairly conducted with full regard to justice to students;
- reporting and advising on the above by means of approving coursework and examination papers and providing an annual report to the University.
The appointee will be required to moderate a sample of work and you will also be required to produce an annual report and attend Boards of Examiners as appropriate.
An overview of fees is contained within the University guide for examiners of taught programmes ( and where any details differ for research programmes these will be made clear to the successful candidate at their induction. The fee for the role is dependent on student numbers, the annual fee is subject to change annually, but in the first year would be £130.00.
You should have appropriate expertise/experience of being engaged in research and teaching of Occupational Science. It is not essential that you hold a current registration with the HCPC, however, this is preferable. You must have appropriate experience to undertake a role in the assurance of academic standards in Higher Education and should be aware of modern developments in the design and delivery of the flexible curriculum. You should have experience of teaching and assessment of postgraduate education.
You should not hold more than one other UK Higher Education External Examiner post at the start of the contract and should be qualified to at least the level of the programme to be examined.
Further information about the programme can be found at:
For Further information about the MSc Occupational Science programme, please contact the Programme Leader, Martin Fitzgerald at
Interested individuals should submit a CV in the first instance to Laura Baxter, by Tuesday 30th November 2021.