External Examiner for:
- PG Certificate Health Professional Education
- MSc Health Professional Education
- Practice Education for Paramedics
Description: We are seeking to appoint an external examiner for the programmes above, which attract a range of health professionals working in learning and teaching roles including nurses, midwives, paramedics, occupational therapists, dieticians, operating department practitioners, podiatrists and physiotherapists. The external examiner will be expected to contribute to the assessment process, moderate and report on student work, attend Course Assessment Boards and submit an annual report.
The appointee will be an experienced academic, qualified to postgraduate level, including a recordable teaching qualification, and will be registered with the NMC or HCPC. The applicant must be a Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (Advance HE). Previous experience as an external examiner would be an advantage, however, the School can put support in place for new external examiners. An induction programme is provided.
The post will commence in January 2024. All appointments are for a period of four years.
In the first instance would interested applicants please e-mail, attaching their CV to:
Virginia Mitton
Course Leader for Health Professional Education
Tel: +44 (0) 1484 257572
Email: v.mitton@hud.ac.uk