School of Health and Social Wellbeing at The University of the West of England is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified External Examiner / External Assessor for the End Point Assessment (EPA) module for the Advanced Clinical Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship. The individual will appointed to both of these roles. As external examiner you will be required to:
- Carry out external moderation of assessments
- Attend the Examination boards to which you are invited
- Complete an Annual External Examiners Report
- Potentially be part of consultation on programme modifications.
The requirements of the external assessor are to:
- Assess the EPA plan and how this is delivered in practice
- Assess/observe the management of gateway and mandatory qualification requirements and involvement of the employer in deciding the apprentice is ready for the EPA
- Assess the assessment instruments/methods
- Confirm the EPA assessors’ (Independent Assessors’) meet the requirements stipulated in the standard
- Assess the accessibility of EPA and the management of reasonable adjustments
- Assess/observe a sample of assessments, including live assessments
- Assess physical or digital versions of documents, including marked assessment materials from apprentices
- Assess/observe assessor standardisation or moderation meetings
- Interviews with assessors and other EPAO staff
- Feedback from apprentices and employers
- Assess/observe the reliability and comparability of EPA.
- Produce a report
Visiting arrangements: The External Assessor will conduct a visit to the EPAO for each cohort of apprentices completing the EPA, which can be online where appropriate. The purpose of visit is to assess the performance of the EPAO in delivering the apprenticeship EPA and can also be to monitor progress against actions
Further information can be found in the DQB handbook.
Fee: the annual fee, which is inclusive of any VAT that might be chargeable, is paid according to our Fee Schedule. These will be treated as two separate roles therefore you will receive the Standard Responsibility Fee (1 – 5 modules) of £250 for each role. For further information about provision please contact Carole Irwin / Kim Duffy (Quality, Governance and Enhancement – School of Health and Social Wellbeing) at