The Division of Nursing and Midwifery, Health Sciences School is seeking to appoint an external examiner to oversee suite of commissioned programmes:
- CPD Programmes (Level 6 & Level 7)
It is desirable that the potential examiner would be in a position to oversee all programmes as some units are delivered concurrently.
The appointment would be for a period of four years from September 2021 and examiners would be expected to:
- Review and approve examination papers
- Review and comment on QA procedures relating to the internal assessment of student work.
- The examiner would also be invited to attend OSCE examinations review non-paper based assessments
- Attend relevant examinations boards
- Comment on/contribute to programme development
- Write a yearly report
Applications a invited from suitably qualified/experience individuals who should email an expression of interest and CV to:
For additional information please contact Tracey Pacan (
Expressions of interest and CV should be sent to Mrs Tracey Pacan (Assessments Team Leader) at