The School of Health Sciences, Ulster University, is currently looking to appoint two suitably qualified individuals to the role of External Examiner for the BSc (Hons) Speech & Language Therapy programme, delivered on the University’s Derry-Londonderry campus, with a view to commencing post at the start of the 2024-25 academic year in September. Appointments are for a maximum period of four years.
Criteria for application:-
The external examiner must be registered with the HCPC. Please find attached stipulated expectations of the role and responsibilities as detailed in the University’s External Examiner handbook at the following link:-
Individuals appointed to the role of external examiner are expected to commence his/her period of appointment with an induction programme/visit scheduled early in the first year. This is organised centrally by the University. External examiner written reports are received by the university on an annual basis, with an expectation that he/she would normally be in attendance at the June Examinations Board
Please return expressions of interest to and accompanying CV, by email to, no later than 12noon on Friday 3rd May, 2024. For ease of processing please ensure “EoI EE SLT” is marked in the subject line.