University of Derby
College of Health, Psychology and Social Care
School of Nursing
The University of Derby is seeking an External Examiner specialising in BSc Hons Adult nursing and BSc Hon adult nursing Apprenticeship (year 1 only) commencing June 2024 the period of tenure is for four years.
Principle duties will be to:
- Review and verify assessment briefs and examination papers at the beginning of each academic year and to provide feedback on the design, appropriateness, clarity and rigour of assessment including theory and practice (MYEPAD practice document).
- Moderate the standard of work submitted for assessment by students from a representative sample of coursework and examination scripts.
- Attend twice yearly programme team meetings, 1.1 simulation block onsite, yearly PPG (practice placement group) and end of year assessment boards.
- Provide judgement and recommendations on subject content and whether assessment practice measures student achievement against learning outcomes in the context of the relevant regulations, (NMC Standards), Subject Benchmarks and sector norms.
- Submit an annual report to help ensure academic standards and student achievement are comparable with other UK Higher Education Institutions of which the Examiner has experience.
- Provide guidance and expertise to the programme team as required.
Suitable candidates will:
- Be a higher education academic with experience in course design and delivery at a minimum of (undergraduate level 4), be of senior lecturer position or higher at a UK University or College.
- Have a good understanding of quality assurance requirements in HE.
- Have subject specific knowledge relating to the programme.
- Hold registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)) and have experience of 2018 NMC Standards For Education and Training.
- Be resident and have the right to work in the UK.
It is desirable that candidates have previous External Examiner experience, however a mentor will be provided to those candidates who are first time External Examiners. Assessment Boards are held at the end of August and February. Our agreed fee for External Examiners is paid per academic year upon submission of an annual report, in addition to any fees incurred whilst on UoD business.
Please send expressions of interest and an accompanying CV to demonstrate your suitability for the role, highlighting your current teaching responsibilities and previous external examiner positions to by the closing date of Friday 22nd December.
Please note that all appointments are subject to verification of eligibility to work in the UK, as per UK Visas and Immigration ( requirements. If possible, please provide scanned copies of evidence of your right to work in the UK.
The documents requested in this advertisement will be kept in accordance with Data Protection Legislation. The information which you give will be used for the following purposes: to enable the University to create a computer and paper record of your application; to enable the application to be processed; to enable the institution to compile statistics, or to assist other organisations to do so, provided that no statistical information that would identify you as an individual will be published. The information will be kept securely, and will be kept no longer