Teesside University are looking to appoint a new module examiner for modules within the School of Health and Life Sciences.
The subject areas involved are:
- Adult Health Care Assistant Level 4
- Outpatients minor procedures, non-Registered Practitioner Level 5
- Pre-operative assessment, non-Registered Practitioner Level 5
- Pre -Operative assessment, Registered and Assistant practitioner Level 6
- Outpatients minor procedures registered practitioner Level 6
- Surgical First Assistant Level 6
- Patient Clinical Assessment
- Operating Department Recovery Room Practice Level 7
- Operating Department Aesthetic Practice Level 7
- Operating Department Scrub and Circulating Practice Level 7
The appointment is to run for 5 academic years from January 2023.
For more information or to register your interest, please contact Christine Brown DIRECT at christine.brown@tees.ac.uk a copy of your most recent CV. The closing date for applications is Friday, 16 December 2022.