29th January 2018

Welcome to our new students!

Following the success of the 2017 Student Leadership Programme, we would like to welcome our 90 new students studying a range of disciplines from across the UK to begin their leadership journey!

The 2018 Student Leadership Programme begins with a two-day residential Welcome conference in March, followed by the start of the mentoring scheme for the new students. We are still looking for enthusiastic mentors from the health and higher education sectors for the mentoring part of the programme. If you are interested in participating, please complete the Mentor application.

This year will also see the start of our online community sessions open to all of our students. The first session will be led by Dr Katerina Kolyva on Storytelling: a vehicle for leadership on Thursday 15 March.

Our 2017 students have submitted their excellent reflective pieces as part of the programme and a select few will be featured on the website shortly.

For any further enquiries about the programme, please email student.leadership@cod-health.ac.uk.

20th July 2017

Student Leadership July events

The first two cohorts of a total of 60 students enrolled on the new Student Leadership Project met for the first time in Birmingham on 5/6 and 12/13 July. Activities included interactive lectures on leadership from guest speakers, students working together on leadership healthcare scenarios, sketchnoting and presenting posters on leadership and thinking collectively on leadership development. We practised reflection, presentation, thinking in pairs and making leadership pledges.