6th February 2023

Blog | Promoting Professional Relationships Through Neurodiversity Awareness, Webinar

A guest blog from Jade Wareham, adult student nurse apprentice at The Open University and one of the #150Leaders. The blog presents Jade’s personal project to promote professional relationships through neurodiversity awareness with The Florence Nightingale Foundation. Jade will hold an interactive webinar for any individual who would like to learn more about neurodiversity on Thursday 30 March. Find registering link at the end of the blog.

Through conversations, connecting with other students and educators, I have learned that many individuals experience prejudice and discrimination due to their neurodivergent condition.

Neurodiversity is a term used to describe the range of cognitive abilities that individuals hold. Neurodivergent is a term used to describe one singular person with a neuro condition such as ADHD/Dyslexia. With most labels, these terms can be adapted with personal preferences.

Neurodivergent conditions are considered as a disability to ensure individuals are protected by the equality act. Personally, I do not like to consider myself as disabled. I prefer to use the term neurodivergent.

Since receiving my dyslexia diagnosis at 29 years of age, I have become extremely passionate about promoting professional relationships by utilising neurodiversity education. I experienced negative attitudes whilst I was undiagnosed but, since my diagnosis, I’ve found more people have been understanding. Why did I need a diagnosis to receive understanding and support?

The Student Leadership Programme by the Council of Deans of Health paired me with an incredible coach! I have been given the tools to create a presentation for my upcoming webinar, Promoting Professional Relationships Through Neurodiversity Awareness, hosted by Florence Nightingale Foundation. I have designed the webinar to be an interactive session and as universal as possible. Meaning, anyone can attend. The webinar will include activities, guest speakers, myth busters and an awareness of what neurodiversity is and how we can support meaningful conversations with our managers and/or the team we work with.

By the end of the session, the goal is to have gained an understanding of what neurodiversity is, appropriate legislation, associated personality traits and barriers, including positive aspects, and how awareness can influence profession relationships. The webinar will be held online, Thursday 30th March 2023, 11am – 12 noon. Register now!

If you would like to learn more about other projects I have been involved with, you can follow this link or go to my personal page.

Follow Jade on twitter: @jade_w08 / @SSHINE_Students / @FNightingaleF