CoDH/NMC Roundtable: The Future Focus of Nursing Education

1:30 pm, 18 March 2016
4:00 pm, 18 March 2016
Woburn House
Woburn House, 20 Tavistock Square London, WC1H 9HD


Having carried out an evaluation of the standards for pre-registration nursing (and midwifery) education, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has announced its intention to develop outcomes and competencies required for the role of registered nurses of the future, with a view to producing new standards for pre-registration education by the end of 2017.

The changing nature of the health and care environment and the ways services are delivered is having a significant impact on registered nurses’ practice. The future context of nursing practice is being challenged by economic, social and political factors including changes in skill mix, the increase in unregistered support workers and proposals to create a new nursing support role.

These challenges provoke questions into what the future registered nurse will look like and how pre-registration education will need to be structured in the future to equip newly qualified nurses with the scientific, technical and professional skills needed for practice.


This interactive roundtable will be focused on the standards and outcomes of pre-registration nursing education required to meet developments and changes in the health and social landscape. The discussion will explore current challenges in pre-registration education and registered nursing practice, the vision and future competencies of the registered nurse and the future for pre-registration education standards.

Target Audience

Deans and equivalents across all four home nations, Directors of Education, NHS Trust Education Leaders.


Places are on a first come first served basis and we would kindly request that each instutition books no more than two places in the first instance. There is no charge for this event which means we are unfortunately unable to provide lunch. Please book by 11 March.


13.30    Welcome/introduction

Professor Jan Draper, Professor of Nursing, The Open University and CoDH Executive Team Member

13.40    The Future Nurse: Presentation of the Council’s Work to Date

Reflection: Jackie Smith, Chief Executive NMC / Professor Dame Jill Macleod Clark


14.10    Session 1: The Future Registered Nurse

Discussion in groups: What are the broad skills and competencies of the future registered nursing role? What are the unique characteristics of the registered nurse (and what are the similarities with other professions)? What are the expectations of a newly qualified nurse at the point of registration?

14.50    Session 2: The Broader Perspective: Connecting Pre-registration Education with other Standards

Discussion in groups: What implications does the discussion on the future registered nurse have for other areas of NMC responsibility (e.g. mentorship and post-registration education)? Where are the key points of connection between the pre-registration standards and other standards?

15.30    Wrap up and closing words/next steps


For information on how to book please contact: