Independent Prescribing Programme (NMC and HCPC)
School of Health Sciences, University of East Anglia
The University of East Anglia (UEA) invites applications for the role of External Examiner for our Independent Prescribing Programme, accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). This role offers an exciting opportunity to contribute to the quality assurance and continuous improvement of our programmes, which cater to NMC and HCPC post-registration health practitioners.
The successful candidate will provide an external review for our Independent Prescribing Programmes, which run three cohorts annually (September, January, and April) at UEA and an additional cohort in January at our satellite site, the Royal Marsden School in London. The role is vital in maintaining the high standards of our curriculum and the University’s awards, ensuring they meet Professional, Statutory, and Regulatory Body (PSRB) guidelines.
Further details for the programme can be found in the course handbook and brochure.
Responsibilities Include:
• Reviewing and providing feedback on draft assessment guidelines and examination papers.
• Evaluating samples of student work and attending pre-Exam Board meetings.
• Participating in up to two meetings of examiners per year.
• Submitting an annual report and engaging with the programme team for continuous development.
Optional Involvements:
• Quarterly Independent Prescribing Committee.
• Twice-yearly Advanced Practice Programmes Committee meetings.
• Curriculum development and benchmarking activities related to the modules overseen.
Who Should Apply: Applications are welcomed from experienced External Examiners and those with appropriate educational and professional expertise in Independent Prescribing education or practice. The appointment is anticipated to commence from November 2024. Successful applicants will be invited to attend an induction day prior to starting the role.
How to Apply: To express your interest, please send a CV and covering letter to Dr. Marie McGee at by 5pm on Thursday 26 September 2024. For more information, contact Dr. Marie McGee, Chair of the Board of Examiners, via email at