We are seeking to appoint an EQA to complement the work of the academic programme-level External Examiners, by providing oversight of the operation, management and quality assurance of BCU’s apprenticeship provision.
They will specifically review and carry out independent End Point assessment (EPA) activity in accordance with the conditions, timescales and arrangements set by BCU-EPAO as the End-point Assessment Organisation and the apprenticeship standard and assessment plan as per the links below.
Nursing Associate – Apprenticeship Standard – https://www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/apprenticeship-standards/nursing-associate-nmc-2018-v1-1
Nursing Associate – Assessment Plan –https://www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/media/5951/st0827_v12_nursing_associate_l5_fully-integrated-ap_for-publication_adjustment_0302022-1.pdf
Role Requirements:
- Review and confirm evidence relating to the specific EPA criteria and involvement in the EPA process as defined in the relevant Apprenticeship Standard Assessment Plan.
- Conduct sampling for each cohort of apprentices completing EPA (this will be conducted remotely where possible).
- Attend Award Boards and confirm successful apprentices award classifications in accordance with Birmingham City University Academic Regulations.
- Ensure that apprentices have acquired the required knowledge, skills and behaviours and that apprentices are suitably prepared to progress to timely completion of the EPA.
Expressions of interest are invited from colleagues who:
- Are NMC Registered and are qualified to at least the level of the apprenticeship programme.
- Are currently employed by an institution delivering apprenticeship programmes, and who have experience of being actively involved in the delivery, operation and management of a Higher Education apprenticeship.
- Have a proven track record of achieving consistent improvements in relation to Higher Education apprenticeships and can demonstrable expertise, competence and experience in the areas covered by the apprenticeship standard.
- Have an awareness of current changes taking place in relation to Higher Education apprenticeships, and an ability to keep up to date with developments in an ongoing way.
- Have an understanding and experience of current practice and developments in the teaching, learning and assessment of Higher Education apprenticeships.
BCU-EPAO will be unable to consider expressions of interest if:
- You are a member of a governing body or committee of BCU or one of BCU’s partners, delivery organisations or support providers, or a current employee of BCU or one of its partners, delivery organisations or support providers.
- You have a close professional, contractual or personal relationship with a member of staff or apprentice involved with this apprenticeship programme or a close professional, contractual or personal relationship with any person who is employed by the same employer at which any of the Apprentices, for the apprenticeship programme for which you are the EQA, are working.
- Your work for BCU-EPAO would be affected by a personal interest or personal association in any other way.
Expressions of interest and your CV should be sent to BCUEPAO@bcu.ac.uk by Friday 25 October 2024.
For a copy of the full advert or for more information please email us at BCU-EPAO@bcu.ac.uk
The appointment will commence in November 2024. The annual fee will be based on the student cohort size and number of occurrences of cohorts per academic year, the scale ranges from £500-700. If the workload increases or reduces during the tenure, the fee will be reviewed.