Birmingham Newman University is seeking an external examiner for the pre-registration BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy programme. Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced academic staff. Applicants should have a good understanding of UK Higher Education sector, quality, standards and quality assurance. Registration as a Occupational Therapists with the Health and Care Professions Council (and RCOT), with relevant subject knowledge and experience is essential.
Birmingham Newman University offers support for external examiners, including training, online resources and guidance and further support provided by the Head of Subject for Allied Health as well as the Head of School Applicants are advised that the School of Nursing & Allied Health at Birmingham Newman University applies the following criteria to external examiners:
- The area of expertise of external examiners is within the area of examinations undertaken;
- Applicants should have recently been employed (or are still employed) within a university appointment;
- He/she/they must not have been a Birmingham Newman University examiner within the last five years;
- He/she/they will have a Occupational Therapy qualification registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (& RCOT) and internal examining experience;
- Previous external examining experience would be welcomed but is not essential.
The appointment will be effective from 1st September 2024 and will continue for 4 years. The role requires module external review Role of the Module Results External The role requires providing advice and recommendations to module teams about teaching and learning content and assessment design. External moderation of assessments, attendance at assessment review boards as well as scrutiny of Recognition of Prior Learning, annual visits to practice learning environments and completion of an Annual External Examiners Report. All appointments are subject to a panel review of perspective nominations.
Applications are by submission of CV. If you are interested in applying for this role (or to request further information), please send a recent CV to the Head of Subject Allied Health Dr Annabel Masson or Head of School (Associate Dean) Nursing & Allied Health Ronnie Meechan by 19 July 2024