Term of Contract: 4 years
Location: East of England/Yorkshire
The School of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Hull are seeking to appoint one individual to the roles of External Examiner, Independent End Point Assessor and External Assessor for the following programmes with effect from October 2023:
- Foundation Degree in Health and Social Care (Apprenticeship Nursing Associate)
The duties of the External Examiner include:
- Consideration and moderation of students’ assessments of theory and practice learning.
- Submission of an External Examiner’s Annual Report
- Collaboration with programme directors, module leaders and administrative colleagues to inform the continued monitoring, review and enhancement of these programmes.
The duties of the Independent End Point Assessor (IEPA) include:
- Completing an EPA Conflicts of Interest Declaration for each employer and each cohort of apprentices to be assessed.
- Make a grading decision on each apprentice at the EPA Panel to populate an IEPA’s Apprentice Grading Decision Report for each apprentice which will be used as the basis for feedback and appeals
- Chairing the EPA panel
- Within a month of the EPA events concluding, produce an IEPA’s Cohort Report of 300-500 words on the performance of the cohort of apprentices undertaking EPA assessment in that period and return to the Quality Office.
The Duties of the External Assessor (EA) include:
- reviewing documentation relating to the EPA, including, for example, the EPA delivery plan and internal quality assurance documentation
- meeting with EPAO staff involved in the delivery of the EPA
- reviewing documents relating to gateway approval for individual apprentices
- observing the meeting at which the final decision on the EPA is confirmed (such as the Board of Examiners/Examination Committee/EPA Awards Board)
- reviewing the process for confirming the EPA result with the NMC.
Applicants must have relevant experience and knowledge of pre-registration nursing associate/apprenticeship education and be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council. Previous experience as an External Examiner is desirable but not essential. Full training will be provided. Appointment is subject to meeting the university’s criteria for the appointment of External Examiners, Independent End Point Assessors and External Assessors.
To apply for this post please send a copy of your CV to D.H.Firth@hull.ac.uk
If you would like to discuss this post, please contact the Programme Director, Dawn Firth D.H.Firth@hull.ac.uk