External Examiner CPD – PG Cert Advanced Critical care and PG Cert Advanced Cardiothoracic care

Opening Date:
2 Jul 2024
Closing Date:
31 Aug 2024
Salary Range:


PROGRAMME(S): PG Cert Advanced Critical care and PG Cert Advanced Cardiothoracic care.

Edge Hill University’s School of Nursing and Midwifery is seeking to appoint an NMC registered External Examiner for our Liverpool Heart and Chest partnership programmes, PG Cert Advanced Critical care and PG Cert Advanced Cardiothoracic care. (HEA 4201, 4202, 4501, 4256, 4513 & 4445) with effect from 1st October 2024.
You must have at least 2 years experience in a HEI setting and hold a master’s degree.
External Examiners are typically placed on the Edge Hill University External Examiners Register for a period of four years. Principle duties normally include:

  • Visit the University when possible and moderate assessed coursework and examination scripts, attend Module Assessment Boards and Award Boards and produce an Annual Report (attendance can be online where applicable)
  • Review and approve examination papers that contribute to a student’s final award, and any other assessment material as agreed
  • External Examiners are also invited to engage with students in practice
  • He/she will have excellent underpinning knowledge of the NMC pre-registration requirements for nursing (NMC)
  • The appointed External Examiner will be required to work collaboratively with other External Examiners to provide the above support for the programme quality standards.

If you would like to discuss specific information relating to the programme, please contact: Morven Mitchell mitcheme@edgehill.ac.uk.

External examiners are paid an annual fee of approximately £587.91 based on time allocations plus reimbursement of expenses, as appropriate. Total fees may vary slightly dependent on the size of the provision covered by an External Examiner. The production and submission of the annual report is paid at a higher rate of £200 for the full 7.5 hours work. All fees are claimed through the claim form/online system when work is completed throughout the academic year, please liaise with the Academic Quality Officer to ensure you are set up on the system.

Admission to the University’s External Examiners Register is on the basis of satisfactory completion of the University’s Committee and Personnel approval processes, including Right to Work and Reciprocity Checks.

Prospective External Examiners are encouraged to send an expression of interest and CV to AskNursingMidwifery@edgehill.ac.uk citing the programme title and/or vacancy reference.

Your data will be held and not processed for any purpose other than that for which it has been obtained, in accordance with current Data Protection Legislation until this recruitment process has concluded. Should you be unsuccessful in your application your data will be destroyed securely. For more information, our Privacy Notice is available at https://www.edgehill.ac.uk/externalexaminers/.